What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for?

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What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Empty What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for?

Post by eshearm December 11th 2018, 3:02 pm

Hi, Just interested if anyone actually knows for sure what this piece of glass would have been used for?  It is about 26cm tall with a lovely turnover rim and a folded conical foot.  Never been sure what they would use these for an its so deep iI did wonder of it was leeches?

Kind regards

What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Img_1810What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Img_1812What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Img_1813
What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Img_1814

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Registration date : 2013-10-20

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What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Empty Re: What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for?

Post by denbydump December 11th 2018, 5:01 pm

A Celery vase would be a good bet.

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What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Empty Re: What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for?

Post by eshearm December 11th 2018, 7:59 pm

Hi, it’s too early and tall for a celery vase, xxx

Number of posts : 176
Location : uk
Registration date : 2013-10-20

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What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for? Empty Re: What is this piece of georgian glass actually used for?

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