L Rye vase

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L Rye vase Empty L Rye vase

Post by MLCalder November 9th 2018, 5:50 pm


I recently bought a studio vase with the mark L Rye (I think) on the base. It has a sort of industrial look about it, but I don't know who the maker is - it's not Rye pottery, and too early for Laurence Rye. Would anybody know please?

Thank you,


L Rye vase Img_6010
L Rye vase Img_6110

Number of posts : 7
Location : Gloucestershire
Registration date : 2015-07-19

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L Rye vase Empty Re: L Rye vase

Post by Rochellewillow November 12th 2018, 8:17 am

Hi Martin,

There was another piece sold by East Bristol Auctions a few years ago by the same L Rye. It might be worth emailing the Bristol museum and art gallery to see if anyone recognises, they’ve had contemporary exhibitions from time to time.

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Registration date : 2018-11-03

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L Rye vase Empty Re: L Rye vase

Post by MLCalder November 13th 2018, 10:26 am

Thank you very much, that's something to go on, I'll get in touch with them.

Number of posts : 7
Location : Gloucestershire
Registration date : 2015-07-19

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