Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark

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Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark Empty Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark

Post by Rochellewillow November 7th 2018, 12:23 am

Hi can anybody recognise this from the style pattern. It has no mark and is not particularly heavy under a kilo. Approx 12 inches tall.
But is unusual as has three handles. I know I’m probably clutching at straws here.

Thank you

Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark Cf54f110Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark Aa363610

Female Number of posts : 313
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2018-11-03

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Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark Empty Re: Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark

Post by NaomiM November 7th 2018, 12:54 am

Arty photos don’t really help for IDs, but it looks like low fired black clay earthenware with a green wash from Greece. Sold in garden centres. Not frost proof.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark Empty Re: Please identify pottery urn/vase no makers mark

Post by Rochellewillow November 7th 2018, 7:55 am

(Thank you this is very helpful.

Female Number of posts : 313
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2018-11-03

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