Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode?

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Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Empty Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode?

Post by seandux October 13th 2018, 7:34 pm

Hi.  Hope someone can help.  I found this hexagonal vase in West Yorkshire but with no makers mark and I'm hoping that someone might recognise it.  A distinctive hexagonal shape with a raised relief pattern of 'bobbles' at the top and bottom.  It measures 24 cm tall x 8.5 cm in diameter at the rim and weighs almost 700 gm.  The only thing that makes me think Spode is a number on the base in red.  It could read 2379 or something similar.  I once had some Spode plates early 1800's which had similar style numbers so that's the only reason I've said maybe Victorian Spode but am more than happy to be corrected on this guess.  If anyone has any information it would be much appreciated.  Thanks


Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Hex%20vase%201_zpspfedtkpr


Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Hex%20vase%205_zpsaq6ubi6l


Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Hex%20vase%202_zpsitaks8ab


Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Hex%20vase%203_zpsi9wqt3yx


Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Hex%20vase%206_zpsko23acby


Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Hex%20vase%207_zpsa98oavmu

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Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Empty Re: Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode?

Post by denbydump October 13th 2018, 9:06 pm

Probaly Late Victorian/ Edwardian Staffordshire. The numbers ar just the decorator's
and/or pattern code marks.

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Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Empty Re: Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode?

Post by tigerchips October 13th 2018, 9:50 pm

I had one like this about 15 years ago. During that time i was pretty much just learning about antiques and stuff. For some reason i had this one down as possibly Maling, but can't remember why. Maybe it's the chintz like pattern. I guess it could have been Staffordshire as well.

Edit: Actually, i have an old photo of it, seems to be a different pattern but the same shape.
Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Lastsc10

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Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Empty Re: Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode?

Post by Pottyal October 21st 2018, 9:10 pm

Crown Ducal just a guess probably wrong

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Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode? Empty Re: Can anyone id this hexagonal vase - maybe Victorian Spode?

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