Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by Pugmill December 24th 2013, 10:08 am


Can somebody help ID this Welsh Jug please. It has an impressed mark and then capital letters TUCWMMWD

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Imag1521

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Imag1522


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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Tycwmmwd Pottery, Wales

Post by potterymad62 June 4th 2014, 1:01 pm

Hello everyone! I recently picked up this tankard, and I think it's defiantly Welsh. Tried Google search with no results. I can make out most of mark apart from the last couple on the end. Here are some pics below , and does anyone on here recognize the marks. Would kindly like help with the ID.

Much appreciated


Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Imgp1310

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Imgp1311

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by NaomiM June 4th 2014, 5:46 pm

It's from Tycwmmwd Pottery, Wales, run by Janet & Berwyn Jones

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Auctiv14
Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Auctiv15

Last edited by NaomiM on December 29th 2022, 2:04 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Tycwmmwd Pottery

Post by potterymad62 June 4th 2014, 7:04 pm

Hi NaomiM

Many thanks for the info and much appreciated. Good work. Do you know date for there pottery and are they still potting.


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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by NaomiM June 4th 2014, 9:13 pm

There's no sign that they're still potting. The name Gwynedd was used from 1972 and the label looks to be 70s vintage, so I'd say it dates from around then. A lot of small potteries set up around then in rural areas through government incentives. Many are under recorded.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by Pugmill March 15th 2015, 4:50 pm

I have found that it is Tycwmmwd Pottery run by Janet & Berwyn Jones.

Number of posts : 302
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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by studio-pots March 15th 2015, 5:42 pm

I've just found that Naomi identified a tankard with this mark last summer on the Forum, so your jug arrived 6 months too early.  Cheeky

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by bistoboy March 15th 2015, 9:31 pm

did someone have a stroke and collapse on their computer keyboard?

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by NaomiM March 15th 2015, 10:02 pm

It's Welsh Bistoboyo Laughter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by studio-pots March 15th 2015, 10:27 pm

NaomiM wrote:It's Welsh Bistoboyo Laughter

or Bstby, as it would be written in Welsh.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by bistoboy March 15th 2015, 10:37 pm


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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by ClaraIreland2 October 1st 2018, 5:29 pm

Good afternoon,

Unfortunately I am unable to read the marks on this vase and I would appreciate your thoughts on the maker. I cannot read the impressed marks. I believe there are a couple of letters then cwmmwl and another mark which looks like J J or possibly D.

Any help much appreciated. (I have tried hundreds of permutations without success.) many thanks

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Dscn0612

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Dscn0611

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Dscn0610

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Dscn0613

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by janetpjohn October 1st 2018, 5:46 pm

Yes, Tucwmmwd; not sure why it's spelled that way.  I see it's been on this board before.

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by NaomiM October 1st 2018, 9:00 pm

Place name, I think. Spelt in the Welsh manner.
Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.
JJ for Janet Jones.
The Pottery was set up by Janet and Berwyn Jones around the 50s, and Berwyn continued running it in the 70s

One with a label


Last edited by NaomiM on November 10th 2020, 12:05 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by ClaraIreland2 November 7th 2018, 4:05 pm

Thanks so much for the information. Much appreciated.

Number of posts : 193
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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Stoneware jug by Tucwmmwd Pottery

Post by abstract*toad August 23rd 2021, 5:12 pm

A nice enough jug. Clear mark, one I've had before, but couldn't identify.
Possibly RK, or PK. Also some impressed letters beneath that I'm struggling to make sense of.
Any help appreciated.

Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Img_2473
Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Img_2472
Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Img_2474

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by carolalev August 23rd 2021, 8:53 pm

It looks like a word when you get used to Welsh - Tucwmmwd. Google search then says Janet Jones made/ makes pottery there.

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

Post by abstract*toad August 23rd 2021, 8:58 pm

Thank you Carol, that's much appreciated, I'm very grateful 😊

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Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd. Empty Re: Janet and Berwyn Jones, Tucwmmwd Pottery Llanbedrog Gwynedd.

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