Upside down handle & shocking glazes William Levi Marshall

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 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall Empty Upside down handle & shocking glazes William Levi Marshall

Post by MCWebs August 14th 2018, 12:20 pm

Can anybody help identify this potter - pink/lilac black gold and bluey turquoise colours ???

Possibly one of the weirdest jugs i've seen oh and the handle has been added upside down!!

Gold writing to bottom of handle which i'd reckon to be the potter but rather undistinguishable...

|There is a label on the bottom £65.00 WLM 15x - rather cryptic|

 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall P1110110

 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall P1110112

 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall P1110111

 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall P1110113

 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall P1110114

Would love to identify this shocking piece :)

Number of posts : 726
Location : GB
Registration date : 2017-09-24

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 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall Empty Re: Upside down handle & shocking glazes William Levi Marshall

Post by MCWebs May 10th 2022, 12:54 am

The Original Label said WLM - Just found out who the potter is - it's by William Levi Marshall

Number of posts : 726
Location : GB
Registration date : 2017-09-24

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 Upside down handle & shocking glazes   William Levi Marshall Empty Re: Upside down handle & shocking glazes William Levi Marshall

Post by NaomiM May 10th 2022, 11:22 am


Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Location : Hampshire
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