Anyone recognize style/signature of this vase? Rick Hunter?

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Anyone recognize style/signature of this vase? Rick Hunter? Empty Anyone recognize style/signature of this vase? Rick Hunter?

Post by finders9 July 15th 2018, 9:36 pm

I recently acquired this art glass vase.  It measures about 7" tall and is signed on the bottom- but I cannot decipher the signature.  Does anyone recognize the style and/or signature?  ThanksAnyone recognize style/signature of this vase? Rick Hunter? Img_2014
Anyone recognize style/signature of this vase? Rick Hunter? Img_2016
Anyone recognize style/signature of this vase? Rick Hunter? Img_2015

Female Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2014-09-21

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Anyone recognize style/signature of this vase? Rick Hunter? Empty Rick Hunter? Agree?

Post by finders9 July 16th 2018, 11:36 pm

I believe I have answered my own question - Rick Hunter 2006? I still have difficulty transcribing the script but based on style and other signed pieces I have since posting seen on line I feel fairly confident in this identification but would welcome the opinion of others. Thanks

Female Number of posts : 26
Location : USA
Registration date : 2014-09-21

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