Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature

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Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature Empty Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature

Post by Mr Trebus July 15th 2018, 12:21 am

Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature Img_9722
Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature Img_9723
Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature Img_9721
Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature Img_2510

Mid century style heavy biomorphic shaped vase, colourless cased turquoise with an almost metallic matt charcoal grey overlay.
Signature looks either Scandinavian or Japanese....any ideas? Thanks
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
Location : London
Registration date : 2011-09-07

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Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature Empty Re: Heavy cased overlaid vase with inscribed signature

Post by LEGSY July 16th 2018, 11:02 am

Hi There,
Sorry i don't have a positive id for your vase but i do remember owning something which was similar By Maria Stahlikova just a thought maybe Czech/Bohemian might be worth consideration, Really nice piece would love to own it myself.

Male Number of posts : 338
Age : 48
Location : Wales
Registration date : 2017-02-19

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