Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos

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Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos Empty Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos

Post by Mr Trebus July 14th 2018, 11:46 pm

Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos Img_9714
Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos Img_9713
Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos Img_9715

1980's/90's style vase, 11" tall - pastel colour stencil decoration, in a fine earthenware material, though not sure.
Incised plectrum shaped mark could be CD or FD at a stretch!
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
Location : London
Registration date : 2011-09-07

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Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos Empty Re: Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos

Post by NaomiM July 15th 2018, 1:32 am

Tina Vlassopulos?

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos Empty Re: Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos

Post by Mr Trebus July 15th 2018, 10:34 am

Oh yes, it was that short horizontal line that distracted me. Thanks
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
Location : London
Registration date : 2011-09-07

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Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos Empty Re: Bullet shaped vase with incised triangle mark - Tina Vlassopulos

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