Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark

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Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark  Empty Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark

Post by Mr Trebus July 14th 2018, 10:56 pm

Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark  Img_9610
Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark  Img_9611
Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark  Img_9612

Contemporary spongeware jug, clear impressed mark to handle base - can't id from BSPM or online. Any ideas? Thanks
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
Location : London
Registration date : 2011-09-07

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Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark  Empty Re: Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark

Post by NaomiM July 15th 2018, 1:47 am

I have a very similar one but with a different mark


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Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark  Empty Re: Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark

Post by Mr Trebus July 15th 2018, 10:40 am

Interesting....how strange...
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
Location : London
Registration date : 2011-09-07

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Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark  Empty Re: Spongeware jug - chickens and leaves - impressed P mark

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