Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by SpoonLicker June 3rd 2018, 2:16 pm

There is a mark but it's not very good.  It's all hand painted.

Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Img_2048
Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Img_2046
Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Img_2047
Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Img_2049

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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by NaomiM June 3rd 2018, 4:26 pm

I think it’s Lenox Belleek - Made in the US, rather than the Irish original.

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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by SpoonLicker June 3rd 2018, 8:11 pm

Thanks Naomi.
Google is being most unhelpful with any further info though. Do you think it might be 1950s-ish?

Number of posts : 391
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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by janetpjohn June 3rd 2018, 11:37 pm

Your mark is upside down, an L, and I think it's a mark used on blanks sold to hobbyists and professional decorators. You can't really date it, since it could have been painted at any time after the blank was made.

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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by NaomiM June 3rd 2018, 11:49 pm

I’ve checked and it’s definitely Lenox Belleek, but you’ll have to trawl through the listings to find the date.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32205
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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by janetpjohn June 4th 2018, 12:44 am

The mark was used from about 1906-26, according to Lehner's, but, again, hobbyist painted at any time, so the maker of the blank is not important.

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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by NaomiM June 4th 2018, 1:44 am

It would be very unusual for a hobby painted US blank to turn up in the UK. The style is reminiscent of Shelley designs from the 20s.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32205
Location : Hampshire
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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by SpoonLicker June 4th 2018, 9:41 am

I've given it a good scrubbing now - the flowers appear to be painted under a clear glaze, so I wouldn't have thought it to be a hobby blank.

The mark doesn't appear to have ever had BELLEEK printed on it. Don't know if that is indicative of anything?

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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by NaomiM June 4th 2018, 10:28 am

It does seem well painted, with Lenox’s characteristic gilded handles,  and hobbyists usually sign their work.
It’s a narrow space. There may not have been room for ‘Belleek’ too on that particular piece.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32205
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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

Post by SpoonLicker June 5th 2018, 11:40 am

Thanks everyone - you're all wonderfully helpful as always.

Number of posts : 391
Location : Uk
Registration date : 2017-01-30

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Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA Empty Re: Anyone recognise this? - Lenox Belleek, USA

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