Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall

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Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Empty Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall

Post by NaomiM May 19th 2018, 6:03 pm

Pair of colourful Slipware mugs by Lincoln Kirby-Bell, made in 1990 while a member of the Jamboree clay workshop, Adelaide, South Australia. Now based in Newlyn, Cornwall

Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  854e0110

Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  B5109610 Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Ca8d1b10 Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  562f1d10 Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  3dd91610
Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  06961610 Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Dd003910 Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  7bbc0210 Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  B3b33b10

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32459
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Empty Re: Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall

Post by brin mcardle May 20th 2018, 1:23 am

They are fun !
brin mcardle
brin mcardle

Number of posts : 2700
Age : 77
Location : upminster,essex
Registration date : 2011-06-18

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Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Empty Re: Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall

Post by philpot May 20th 2018, 5:32 am

Is he still potting now?

Number of posts : 6733
Location : cambridge
Registration date : 2010-11-06

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Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Empty Re: Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall

Post by NaomiM May 20th 2018, 12:52 pm

I think so. His website is still up.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32459
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Empty Re: Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall

Post by brin mcardle May 20th 2018, 6:01 pm

And they are properly signed Clap
brin mcardle
brin mcardle

Number of posts : 2700
Age : 77
Location : upminster,essex
Registration date : 2011-06-18

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Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall  Empty Re: Lincoln Kirby-Bell, Australia and Cornwall

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