Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans

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Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans  Empty Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans

Post by NaomiM April 21st 2018, 6:43 pm

Large dish by Mike Strange. Potting in St Albans with partner Lisbeth de la Cour

Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans  1f9dd510

Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans  54ea1910 Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans  234a4910  Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans  331d0410 Maiolica dish with fish & crabs by Mike Strange, St Albans  80187710

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