EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer

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EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer Empty EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer

Post by ClaraIreland2 April 17th 2018, 5:31 pm

Good afternoon, Help to identify the potter of this bowl is much appreciated. To my eye it has a scandinavian influence but maybe not. I bought it not long ago and have been unable to identify.

many thanks in anticipation

EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer Dscn7510
EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer Dscn7115
EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer Dscn7114
EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer Dscn7113

Number of posts : 193
Location : Birmingham
Registration date : 2014-01-27

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EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer Empty Re: EC mark 67 studio pottery bowl Scandinavian influence - Ernest Collyer

Post by NaomiM April 17th 2018, 5:39 pm

It’s by Ernest Collyer, although it looks very like his partner’s work ie, Pamela Nash

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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