are these modern yunomi cups

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are these modern yunomi cups Empty are these modern yunomi cups

Post by olipayton March 19th 2018, 4:48 pm

Hi everyone. I am intrigued by these quite delicate cups we found in our local charity shop. I guess literally off the boat last week, but we found the textural orange peel look to them quite endearing. Are these modern yunomi cupsare these modern yunomi cups Sam_7415
are these modern yunomi cups Sam_7417
are these modern yunomi cups Sam_7416

Number of posts : 558
Location : wrington
Registration date : 2015-12-08

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are these modern yunomi cups Empty Re: are these modern yunomi cups

Post by NaomiM March 19th 2018, 5:50 pm

Yes, modern shino glazed Japanese Yunomis or beakers. They come in pairs or as sets with a variety of traditional decorations

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are these modern yunomi cups Empty Re: are these modern yunomi cups

Post by olipayton March 20th 2018, 4:27 pm

Hi, thank you again. Your knowledge about these things seems to go on for ever!

Number of posts : 558
Location : wrington
Registration date : 2015-12-08

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are these modern yunomi cups Empty Re: are these modern yunomi cups

Post by denbydump March 20th 2018, 9:48 pm

Nicely made though, I think we agree

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are these modern yunomi cups Empty Re: are these modern yunomi cups

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