Studio Glass Bowl Signed M Ihtr Tubos? Pink Swirls please help id
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Studio Glass Bowl Signed M Ihtr Tubos? Pink Swirls please help id
This is a studio glass bowl which is signed but the signature is hard to read - starts with an M and then what looks like ithr? and then the next word starts with a T and looks a bit like Tubos? Can anyone please help me Id this?
Leach54321- Number of posts : 389
Location : UK
Registration date : 2018-03-19
Re: Studio Glass Bowl Signed M Ihtr Tubos? Pink Swirls please help id
Nice piece but sadly I don't know, you could also try another forum, IMO, they're better at identifying glass. Good luck and don't forget to let this forum know if they do get you an ID.
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