Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me?

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Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Empty Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me?

Post by angeseddon March 18th 2018, 6:40 pm

These are a pair of glasses I have found in the loft, they chime like a bell when tapped. I would be really grateful if someone could give me a little bit of info about them. I have a feeling they may be victorian but we shall see. Many thanksCan anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Dscn1116
Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Dscn1117
Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Dscn1118
Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Dscn1119
Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Dscn1121
Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Dscn1120

Number of posts : 1
Location : London
Registration date : 2018-03-01

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Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Empty Re: Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me?

Post by denbydump March 18th 2018, 11:18 pm

They look to be a beautiful pair of cut crystal glasses, I would like to drink
some claret fron them, but any attribution will be difficult.

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Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Empty Re: Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me?

Post by NaomiM March 19th 2018, 12:20 am

If they are by one of the main glass manufacturers like Stuart, Waterford, etc, there should be an etched mark on the base.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Empty Re: Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me?

Post by NaomiM March 19th 2018, 12:21 am

Base photo important, to see the style of pontil scar

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32166
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me? Empty Re: Can anyone help identify this pair of glasses for me?

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