Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79

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Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Empty Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79

Post by thegreatbooboo January 6th 2018, 9:43 am

This is marked S.Dove 79.  Height approx 23cm / 9", diameter at widest point 21cm / 8".
I'm wondering if it's a known maker or an amateur - it is a little uneven in places.  I picked it up in a charity shop because I thought it was interesting!
Any ideas appreciated.

Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Img_0310
Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Img_0311
Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Img_0313
Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Img_0312
Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Img_0314

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Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Empty Re: Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79

Post by thegreatbooboo January 8th 2018, 7:35 pm

Does anyone have any ideas on this? I'm wondering if it's an amateur piece...

Male Number of posts : 30
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Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Empty Re: Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79

Post by NaomiM January 8th 2018, 8:37 pm

It's a nice shape, but, yes I think it's either a hobby potter or made abroad. The impression left on the base from rolling the slabs out on matting is typical of student craft lessons and Japanese pottery and this certainly isn't Japanese. The use of an inscribed signature and date, rather than a stamp, also points to a hobby potter or foreign potter who hasn't been taught the Leach way.

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Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79 Empty Re: Interesting modernist vase - heavy, unusual shape, signed S.Dove 79

Post by philpot January 9th 2018, 11:01 am

You just about said it yourself. 'Heavy', 'Unsual shape' are not the signs of a studio pot made for commercial sale. Broadly, if you Google an individual studio potters name and nothing about it comes up in the first few pages, then it is unlilely to be of much interest to others.
Its a bit like Victorian paintings. There were many thousands of very good amatuer Victorian painters, but only a very few genuinely outstanding ones. There were many thousands of good amateur potters in the 60's, 70's but very few brilliant ones.

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