Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please?

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Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please? Empty Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please?

Post by bluenote December 31st 2017, 3:24 pm

A simple jug with deep pinky red outer glaze and lilac falling to pale blue inner glaze. Red earthenware with impressed 2 abd someones initials which look like H M plus one other. Approx 8" high. Looks fairly modern. Any ideas who the potter or pottery were please? Thanks

Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please? 20171224
Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please? 20171225
Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please? 20171226

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Registration date : 2017-10-10

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Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please? Empty Re: Three colourway glazed jug but can anyone ID the incised initials please?

Post by NaomiM December 31st 2017, 3:37 pm

The 2 may stand for 2litre capacity. Reminds me of Denby pottery but possibly French

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