Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?

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Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?  Empty Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?

Post by salsor Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:04 pm

I have this unmarked 4-3/4 inch tall jug. Clay is pale red. It has a high gloss mochaware type glaze. There is a name on shoulder applied after. It may be a place name so maybe item sold to tourist trade? I though maybe from a Torquay area potter but not even sure it is British. Possibly French?

Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?  Img_2014
Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?  Img_2016
Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?  Img_2015
Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?  Img_2017

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Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?  Empty Re: Mochaware Slip Marble Agate Pottery Jug - Troyan?

Post by NaomiM Sat Dec 09, 2017 11:52 pm

European or Mexican tourist piece, imo. Signed, usually this is the name of the town where it was sold, but not necessarily where it was made - Grazzdos?

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