Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats

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Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats  Empty Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats

Post by gonkquin December 5th 2017, 9:33 am

Had these years, and every time I see them, I try to search Google to no avail!!

Not very helpfully, they're marked Made in England to each base.

The only lead I have found is Aller Vale or Watcombe Pottery - but frankly, not sure!

Any ideas???

Cheers loads

Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats  Df403e10
Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats  Db573210
Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats  972df410

Male Number of posts : 60
Location : UK
Registration date : 2012-11-15

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Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats  Empty Re: Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats

Post by NaomiM December 5th 2017, 9:57 am

I have one too :) I think they are later than Aller and Watcombe; 1960s or 70s , Maybe Kensington Price or one of their competitors . Sometimes attributed to Emma Bridgewater who also made spotty cats but not in this design

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Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats  Empty Re: Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats

Post by gonkquin December 5th 2017, 10:08 am

lol.. Naomi, I think I just stumbled across yours in google after I posted this! I share your thoughts exactly - they are later, and the colours are V similar to Bridgewater - but the style is not!
They may end up back in the garage!! lol

Male Number of posts : 60
Location : UK
Registration date : 2012-11-15

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Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats  Empty Re: Please have a look... Pair spotty smiling Cheshire cats

Post by NaomiM December 5th 2017, 10:35 am

I have a lot of cats in the garage Big Laughter

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32061
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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