17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please

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17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please Empty 17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please

Post by RobS Thu Oct 19, 2017 10:57 pm

This is a vintage 17" tall hand hand thrown pottery vase, it's unmarked in the style of Bauer or Bybee but I can't pin down the maker, does anyone know what company produced this piece. The clay is red tinted.

17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please Xgisko
17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please 11udjki

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17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please Empty Re: 17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please

Post by philpot Tue Oct 24, 2017 9:02 am

Have you a specific reason for thinking its American?

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17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please Empty Re: 17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please

Post by dantheman Tue Oct 24, 2017 10:28 am

same question re vintage?

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17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please Empty Re: 17" Tall American hand thrown Pottery Vase any ID on manufacturer please

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