Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period

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Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Empty Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period

Post by Adrfiano S. September 10th 2017, 12:36 pm

I need help in identifying the age of this vase.
I think it should be late Republic or early PROC.
I found on site a similar mark that says Jingdezhen make and date 1950.
The difference is that my mark has also a number (170): could be the factory number?

Thank you and best regards.
Adrfiano S.
Adrfiano S.

Number of posts : 23
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2017-09-10

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Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Empty Chinese famille rose vase

Post by Adrfiano S. September 10th 2017, 12:42 pm

I send the vase pictures.Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Img_1119
Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Img_1120
Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Img_1122
Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Img_1121
Adrfiano S.
Adrfiano S.

Number of posts : 23
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2017-09-10

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Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Empty Re: Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period

Post by NaomiM September 10th 2017, 1:40 pm

Welcome to the forum :) I've moved the post to the ID My Pottery forum so members can find it. I think 1950s is an accurate date; they would be adding Western numbers to the mark by then. The vase was probably made for export so the number could be an order number or one of a set, say 170 out of 200.

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Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Empty Re: Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period

Post by Adrfiano S. September 10th 2017, 1:48 pm

Thank you NaomiM for your explanation.

Best Regards.
Adrfiano S.
Adrfiano S.

Number of posts : 23
Location : Italy
Registration date : 2017-09-10

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Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period  Empty Re: Chinese famille rose vase, Republic Period

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