French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France

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French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France Empty French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France

Post by slopingsteve July 29th 2017, 12:28 pm

French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France Sam_7711
French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France Sam_7710

This is a nice little vase from the bootsale this am. The name is well written but unknown to me. Can anybody shed any light, please?

Number of posts : 307
Location : Cambridgeshire, England
Registration date : 2013-08-24

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French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France Empty Re: French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France

Post by chrisceram July 29th 2017, 5:09 pm

French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France Nila10

Nillavertas Annecy France

Male Number of posts : 56
Age : 66
Location : Paris 75010
Registration date : 2015-05-22

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French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France Empty Re: French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France

Post by slopingsteve July 29th 2017, 5:27 pm

Thank you very much. Another Avenue to explore

Number of posts : 307
Location : Cambridgeshire, England
Registration date : 2013-08-24

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French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France Empty Re: French pot - Nillavertas Annecy France

Post by slopingsteve July 29th 2017, 5:57 pm

First impressions from a quick whizz around the web:
NILLAVERTAS is Satre Vallin backwards.
They decorated blanks from Denbac pottery so they would not have been able to impress their signature into the already fired pot so they scribed the name into the glaze that they were applying, that is why the name is on the side not on the base.

Number of posts : 307
Location : Cambridgeshire, England
Registration date : 2013-08-24

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