Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by hercules brabazon July 29th 2017, 11:32 am

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire. Set up by Aidan Dixon in 1954. The first edition of BSPM has his name wrong, but it was corrected in the later ones. From 1954 until 1978 it was at Routh near Beverley, and from 1978-1984 at Hutton le Hole. Since Aidan Dixon's retirement in 1984 the name and some of the designs have been continued by his former assistant Jill Christie, at Harome from 1984-1999, Middlesborough from 2000-2001, and Loftus since 2001.

Jill Christie has introduced various new styles, but these three pieces I have are very much in the style of what is described as the "Routh Original Range" on the pottery's website.

Mug with sprigged medallion with landscape and the words "NORTH YORK MOORS NATIONAL PARK". Impressed on base "WOLD HANDTHROWN" and "HAROME N. YORKSHIRE".

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dscf4834

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dscf4833

Last edited by hercules brabazon on July 29th 2017, 11:41 am; edited 2 times in total
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

Male Number of posts : 650
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Registration date : 2009-08-06

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by hercules brabazon July 29th 2017, 11:35 am

Small ramekin-style pot with swirly slip interior:

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dscf5317

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dscf5318
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

Male Number of posts : 650
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Registration date : 2009-08-06

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by hercules brabazon July 29th 2017, 11:37 am


Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dscf5319

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dscf5320
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

Male Number of posts : 650
Location : London
Registration date : 2009-08-06

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by hercules brabazon April 21st 2018, 11:46 am

Bowl made at  Routh  when Aidan Dixon was  still running the pottery.  Impressed "WOLD" in sans serif capitals and, seperately,  "ROUTH BEVERLEY" and "HANDTHROWN".

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06415

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06417 Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06416
Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06418  Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06419
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

Male Number of posts : 650
Location : London
Registration date : 2009-08-06

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by hercules brabazon May 3rd 2018, 11:41 am

Small vase made at Hutton-le-Hole, so presumably before Aidan Dixon's retirement. Impressed"WOLD HAND THROWN  HUTTON-le HOLE N.YORKSHIRE"

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06420

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06421 Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06422 Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Dsc06423
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

Male Number of posts : 650
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Registration date : 2009-08-06

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by Grumpy Grandad April 21st 2020, 5:09 pm

A Wold vase made at Harome but similar to the Hutton one above.

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire 20200189

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire 20200190

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire 20200191
Grumpy Grandad
Grumpy Grandad

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Little red earthenware pot - Wold Pottery

Post by abstract*toad June 28th 2021, 6:37 pm

Nice little thing, i like the glaze both inside and out.
Incised mark, reads as Wob with a line curving down.
I think it has some age, I have had it a long time.
Any help welcomed, thank you.

Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Img_2342
Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Img_2344
Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Img_2343

Number of posts : 708
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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by NaomiM June 28th 2021, 7:33 pm

Wold Pottery

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

Post by abstract*toad June 28th 2021, 7:49 pm

Thanks a lot Naomi 👍 Though I'd bet my life on the third letter being a b. Damn my eyes 🥴

Number of posts : 708
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Registration date : 2021-04-23

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Wold Pottery, Yorkshire Empty Re: Wold Pottery, Yorkshire

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