Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by Johners2000 July 8th 2017, 11:50 am

Not sure what to make of this - I can't find a makers mark only the works in the decoration.

Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Img_2514
Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Img_2515
Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Img_2516
Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Img_2517
Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Img_2518

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Location : Northamptonshire
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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by dantheman July 8th 2017, 12:25 pm

that gold decoration is really something

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by NaomiM July 8th 2017, 12:49 pm

When did the Oxford Ceramics Gallery open? Maybe they commissioned someone to make a set of mugs to mark the occasion. Worth contacting them to ask.

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by Johners2000 July 8th 2017, 12:53 pm

Just sent them an email. Not sure I'd like to drink my Darjeeling out of it!

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by philpot July 8th 2017, 6:48 pm

The present Oxford Ceramics gallery was not around in 2000. But there was an earlier incarnation of a prestigious Oxford studio pottery gallery which ran through the 90's and up to somewhere around 2005 or so, when it closed on the death of the owner. That owner's collection is now in the Ashmolean Museum
So this is a millennial mug from that gallery, which was very important studio gallery in its day.

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by Johners2000 July 9th 2017, 10:33 am

That's very interesting - I wonder who made it for the Gallery.

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by Johners2000 July 9th 2017, 5:06 pm

I'm thinking this might be be by Philomena Pretsell?

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by NaomiM July 9th 2017, 5:56 pm

I would have thought someone more local. And a hand builder

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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by Johners2000 July 9th 2017, 6:26 pm

This looks very similar in style… it's the gold and the use of photographs. The mug I have has a photograph of a woman inside - you can just see it on the last photo I posted.


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Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell Empty Re: Unusual mug marked Oxford Gallery 2000 - Philomena Pretsell

Post by Johners2000 July 10th 2017, 5:31 pm

I emailed Philomena Pretsell and she has confirmed it is by her. She was commissioned in 2000 to make between 10-20 of these for a Gallery in Oxford. I have asked her which gallery and who the owner was.

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