Nina Davis, New Zealand

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Nina Davis, New Zealand  Empty Nina Davis, New Zealand

Post by Pugmill Tue Dec 24, 2013 10:14 am

Hi, Can somebody hel ID this bowl? It has an impressed mark of an N within a D.

Nina Davis, New Zealand  Imag1523

Nina Davis, New Zealand  Imag1524

Nina Davis, New Zealand  Imag1525


Number of posts : 302
Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Nina Davis, New Zealand  Empty Re: Nina Davis, New Zealand

Post by Pugmill Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:00 pm

Nina Davis

From Phil Oliver's website:

Nina was born in January 1946 in Buenos Aries, Argentina - just before the Davis family returned to England. She spent her early childhood at Crowan and (somewhat unwillingly) moved with her parents to New Zealand in 1962. After University at Christchurch she trained with Harry Davis at Crewenna, before going to the UK to broaden her potting experience.
She worked with Peter Dick at Coxwold Pottery in Yorkshire for part of 1968 and 69, and then moved to Winchcombe Pottery to work with the Finch family. She stayed at Winchcombe until 1971, before returning to New Zealand to work at Crewenna with her parents. According to May's autobiography, Harry said "she was the only person whose work he never needed to check as she was painstakingly thorough and her brushwork on the pots was first class"
When her parents closed Crewenna and went to Peru, Nina hitch hiked around the Pacific and South America, and then spent over a year working at their Izcuchaca project in Peru. Between 1975 and 1978 she worked again with Ray Finch at Winchcombe in Somerset, England.
At Winchcombe Nina was especially known for her painted decoration of their pottery range.
After Winchcombe, Nina married and returned to New Zealand, where she runs her pottery just 5 miles from Crewenna.

Number of posts : 302
Location : Oundle
Registration date : 2013-12-05

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Nina Davis, New Zealand  Empty Re: Nina Davis, New Zealand

Post by studio-pots Sun Mar 15, 2015 5:36 pm

I knew that she had worked at Winchcombe but it never occurred to me that she was the daughter of Harry and May Davis. I don't know why.

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Nina Davis, New Zealand  Empty Nina Davis

Post by hercules brabazon Thu Jul 06, 2017 11:04 am

Formerly of Crewenna , Coxwold and Winchcombe Pottteries, working since 1999 at Teal Valley, near Nelson, New Zealand. Daughter of Harry and May Davis

Tenmoku pin dish with blue Kiwi design. Unmarked, but very similar to one on the Nelson Potters site.

Nina Davis, New Zealand  Dscf4914

Nina Davis, New Zealand  Dscf4915
hercules brabazon
hercules brabazon

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Nina Davis, New Zealand  Empty Re: Nina Davis, New Zealand

Post by Meoldchina Sat Apr 02, 2022 11:29 pm

Nina Davis was my neighbour in Nelson, NZ, for ten years. I still see her selling her pottery at local markets and from her shop (the family has an organic greengrocers). None of her children appear to be following in the family's footsteps regarding pottery.
Nina was a friend of Ray Finch from their days at Winchcombe Pottery and Ray would often come to NZ to stay with the Davis family in Teal Valley, right into his 90s. Together they would work in Nina's studio and I have several of his pieces from that time.

Number of posts : 6
Location : Nelson, New Zealand
Registration date : 2022-03-30

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Nina Davis, New Zealand  Empty Re: Nina Davis, New Zealand

Post by NaomiM Sun Apr 03, 2022 12:08 am

Great info, thank you Most Excellent

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