Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S

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Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S Empty Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S

Post by RVsaid June 20th 2017, 9:01 am


Some slight Riihimaki look to the piece but quite a thick wall at about 4mm thick. Stands 8 cm high and 9 cm cross. The green is more emerald than it appears in these photographs

Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S P1250110
Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S P1250111
Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S P1250112

Number of posts : 1470
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S Empty Re: Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S

Post by chasdevlin June 22nd 2017, 5:02 pm

Not sure who made/makes them, but I've seen a few in charity shops recently, so I'm guessing modern high street.

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Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S Empty Re: Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S

Post by denbydump June 23rd 2017, 7:55 pm

I may have to agree. Well made but maybe TK Maxx

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Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S Empty Re: Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S

Post by RVsaid June 28th 2017, 8:33 am

Cool, I was pretty sure they were. Wish people would leave labels on :0)

Number of posts : 1470
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12

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Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S Empty Re: Clear cased base green candle holder Riihimaki Styling but probably M&S

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