Could this be a venini piece?

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Could this be a venini piece? Empty Could this be a venini piece?

Post by Ross4130 March 9th 2017, 6:11 pm

Could this be a venini piece? Img_0510
Could this be a venini piece? Img_0511
Could this be a venini piece? Img_0513
Could this be a venini piece? Img_0512
It is not signed but it looks like a venini piece, it has been beautifully blown in three colours and stands around 11cm high.
Any information would be appreciated

Male Number of posts : 31
Location : Essex UK
Registration date : 2016-04-20

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Could this be a venini piece? Empty Re: Could this be a venini piece?

Post by VeryGreennkeen April 19th 2017, 8:45 pm

Looks like a helium balloon, stuck to the ceiling... nice

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Could this be a venini piece? Empty Re: Could this be a venini piece?

Post by Christine July 27th 2017, 12:56 pm

The technique is incalmo, if that helps

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Could this be a venini piece? Empty Re: Could this be a venini piece?

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