Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire.

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Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Empty Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire.

Post by MILANNOIR May 4th 2013, 3:59 pm

Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Dsc_9810
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Dsc_9811
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Dsc_9812

And finally...a stoneware mug and sugar bowl, both with incised 'M' to base, the mug also has an 'M' seal under the handle. These look well made.
Thankyou to everyone who might share their knowledge on my pieces.

Number of posts : 38
Location : Lancashire, England
Registration date : 2013-02-10

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Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Empty Re: Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire.

Post by NaomiM August 19th 2013, 8:00 pm

Found one with the same mark, listed as "Slaidburn Pottery, near Clitheroe in Lancashire"

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32300
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Empty Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancs, MJ mark or ML mark

Post by NaomiM March 8th 2017, 10:27 pm

MJ mark or ML mark

Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Img_8014
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Img_8015
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Img_8016
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Img_8017
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Img_7725
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Img_7726

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32300
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Empty Floral Pottery Bowl ML Mark - Slaidburn Pottery

Post by PotteryLover123 September 29th 2020, 12:21 am

Hello all,

Just wondering if anyone knew the maker for this item? Thank in advance!

Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Dscf9527
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Dscf9526
Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Dscf9525

Number of posts : 342
Location : United Kingdom
Registration date : 2020-07-13

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Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire. Empty Re: Melvyn & Irene Swindells, Slaidburn Pottery, Lancashire.

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