Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark

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Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark Empty Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark

Post by r-and-f Wed Aug 03, 2016 3:51 pm

A charming slipware mug, with a leaping hare painted on each side, both sides initialled M or N in slip.  Clearly marked with the Hastings Pottery two-fishes seal both at the bottom of the handle and on the base - but totally unlike anything else by this pottery that I've been able to find online.  I see that the pottery was run by Bernard Cotes and Dennis Lucas, but does anyone know if any other potters worked there who might have made this?

Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark Hastin10

Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark Hastin12

Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark Hastin13

Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark Hastin11

Male Number of posts : 280
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark Empty Re: Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark

Post by NaomiM Wed Aug 03, 2016 4:07 pm

Possibly Christine Smith Barnbarroch Pottery. Also has a double fish mark

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark Empty Re: Christine Smith, Barnbarroch Pottery, Slipware, fish mark

Post by r-and-f Wed Aug 03, 2016 8:09 pm

Thank you Naomi. That makes much more sense! Don't know why I didn't think of Christine and Rodger Smith - much more their style, as I should have remembered because in fact I have one or two other pieces by them.

Male Number of posts : 280
Location : Edinburgh
Registration date : 2012-02-07

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