Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by potterymad62 April 30th 2010, 2:10 pm


Could anyone confirm if this is a leach Mark or not. I know genuine Leach marks when i see it, but not sure about this one.



Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc00213 Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Ginnie12

Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Ginnie10

Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc00212 Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc00211

Male Number of posts : 914
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Re: Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by philpot March 5th 2013, 8:04 am

Its a bit late now I suppose,
But the date on the mug is 1978. The clay looks like earthenware. The Leach Pottery virtually gave up using earthenware in the mid 1930's.Completely by the early 50's.
So no. Its not a Leach mark.

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Re: Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by studio-pots March 5th 2013, 9:25 am

I have just seen this thread, which is nearly 2 years old, after philpot gave an answer this morning.

It had been posted elsewhere rather than under the "ID My Pottery" thread and, as philpot states, "It's a bit late now".

I decided to move it to the correct thread to illustrate that if IDs are requested elsewhere they are less likely to be answered.

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Re: Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by NaomiM March 5th 2013, 9:43 am

Maybe by a potter local to which ever school is mentioned on the front of the mug.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32327
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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by potterymad62 July 21st 2016, 11:24 am

I acquired this lovely Ginnie Bamford pottery ware. It looks like a jug but it's not functional. Does anyone know the name of this design pattern. Would say from the 1980s - 1990s.

Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc02214
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc02211
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc02213
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc02210

Last edited by denbydump on August 22nd 2017, 2:28 am; edited 1 time in total (Reason for editing : typo in title)

Male Number of posts : 914
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Re: Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by stardust* October 4th 2016, 7:08 pm

Ginnie Bamford Impressed mark from 1980-85 covering her time at Crowlas, Penzance, Cornwall (1980-82) and The Sloop Craft Centre St Ives, Cornwall (from 1983)

Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0913
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0911
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0914
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0912


Female Number of posts : 409
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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Is This Ginnie Bamford?

Post by stardust* October 4th 2016, 8:06 pm

I have a marked Ginnie Bamford bud vase and this one is very similar, but there is no mark on this one. I think the decoration looks like it could have been done by the same hand.

The marked pot can be seen here:

Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0918
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0919

In comparison with the marked pot

Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0920
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Img_0921

Female Number of posts : 409
Age : 58
Location : Derbyshire UK
Registration date : 2015-06-29

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Re: Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by NaomiM February 25th 2017, 12:47 pm

Possibly an early mark of Ginnie Harrison, nee Bamford, Tregony and The Sloop, St Ives. Unfortunately the Virtual museum of Cornish pottery marks only has her later handwritten GBH mark.

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32327
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Help with gb mark - Ginnie Bamford

Post by peterart August 20th 2021, 3:43 pm

Does anyone know this artist mark?
Thank you
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc_1619
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc_1620
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Dsc_1621

Number of posts : 477
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Registration date : 2016-12-27

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Re: Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

Post by NaomiM August 20th 2021, 8:22 pm

By Ginnie Bamford

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32327
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Ginnie Bamford Large Pottery Vase

Post by potterymad62 May 18th 2024, 4:31 pm

Lovely medium to large Ginnie Bamford blue & White vase, What pottery, early Tregony Pottery near Truro or the Sloop, St Ives?

Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Pxl_2575
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Pxl_2576
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Pxl_2577
Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Pxl_2578

Male Number of posts : 914
Location : Redruth Cornwall
Registration date : 2009-07-22

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Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives. Empty Re: Ginnie Bamford - Sloop Craft Centre - St Ives.

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