Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery

Post by Alex_s April 7th 2014, 7:39 am

I'm fairly sure JC had the copyright on the word 'muramic' but I don't know another word for this! It's over a metre long. Coloured felt has been placed behind the houses. Anyone recognise it, or the mark?

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Murami10

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Murami11

Number of posts : 261
Location : Stockport
Registration date : 2010-12-22

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Re: Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery

Post by Alex_s April 7th 2014, 7:41 am

Here's a detail, too.

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Murami13

Number of posts : 261
Location : Stockport
Registration date : 2010-12-22

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Re: Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery

Post by Alex_s July 12th 2014, 10:45 am

Ha ha, yes it was at York. Couldn't leave it there, and got it for a nice haggle. I haven't noticed anything missing though, apart from some of the felt behind the doorways. Still no ID and the damn thing's taking up too much room, but I can bring myself to sell it until I know what it is!

Number of posts : 261
Location : Stockport
Registration date : 2010-12-22

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Medieval Style Collage, VSW mark - possibly VS Watts, Collaford Pottery

Post by ClaraIreland2 July 7th 2016, 9:45 pm

I bought this large pottery collage recently and thought it could be by Quantock perhaps? Or possibly Bernard Rooke? I have selected the
best of the pottery marks and hope one of the team's pottery experts can identify it. Best regards and thanks

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Dscn0011
 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Dscn9915
 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Dscn0012
 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Dscn0013
 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Dscn0010

Number of posts : 193
Location : Birmingham
Registration date : 2014-01-27

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Collaford Pottery, Dartmouth

Post by NaomiM August 28th 2016, 3:21 am

Believed to date from the 70s. Seahorse wall hanging by Collaford Pottery, Dartmouth
Possibly by VS Watts, who signed one Collaford tiled picture

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Image482

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Image481  Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Image480

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Re: Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery

Post by NaomiM October 21st 2022, 4:49 pm

Vicky (or Vicki) Watts. Mentioned in Ceramic Review, 1977-78, with a photo of a Medieval style ceramic tile picture

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Vicki_10

Last edited by NaomiM on December 1st 2022, 8:51 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32174
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Re: Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery

Post by dantheman December 10th 2022, 2:45 am

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery S-l16010

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

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 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery Empty Re: Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery

Post by dantheman January 23rd 2023, 11:37 am

 Vicky or Vicki Watts, Collaford Pottery S-l16012

'Edith Swan takes it up the Swanee and she loves it more than Christmas day.'

Male Number of posts : 15458
Location : Lincolnshire ( the veg patch of England)
Registration date : 2008-02-03

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