Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors?

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Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors? Empty Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors?

Post by alfredolloza May 18th 2016, 7:00 pm

I try to identificate this vase for few months. It seems to be a celadon from SETO.

Theater?????????????????? Samurai two actors?,

Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors? Dscn9910

Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors? Dscn9911

It is quite difficult for me. The signature is not easy to interpretation...

Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors? Dscn9916
Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors? Dscn9917

I only find a similar work here same studio but without signature Wah :

Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors? Rubila10

If anybody......oh happiness!

Number of posts : 4
Location : France
Registration date : 2016-05-18

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Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors? Empty Re: Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, Samurai two actors?

Post by NaomiM September 18th 2016, 4:38 pm

Japanese Satsuma moriage ware, maybe. Although it may be a modern Chinese copy

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