heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales

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heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Empty heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales

Post by debbie32 April 10th 2016, 12:47 pm

heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Img_2027
heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Img_2026
heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Img_2028
heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Img_2025
I bought this a while back and havent been able to identify the potter, so wondered if any of you chaps might recognise the marks.  I have tried blue tack in the 'blobby' mark but this hasnt helped.  It measures about 10' diameter by 3" deep and weighs about 2kg. Thankyou :)

Number of posts : 258
Location : hampshire
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heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Empty Griffin Pottery Gresford, Wales

Post by NaomiM April 10th 2016, 1:43 pm

It's a bit like this one


Last edited by NaomiM on October 12th 2018, 10:55 pm; edited 1 time in total

Carrot cake is just fake cake

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heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Empty Re: heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales

Post by debbie32 April 10th 2016, 3:30 pm

exactly!! - many thanks as always NaomiM :)

Number of posts : 258
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Registration date : 2016-01-09

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heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Empty Re: heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales

Post by NaomiM July 17th 2019, 6:44 pm

By Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales - (previously worked at Pantasaph Pottery)

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32206
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heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Empty Re: heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales

Post by debbie23g July 17th 2019, 7:25 pm

Many thanks :) its a lovely bowl thing really heavy and I love the decoration and it holds a good amount of bread for supper!

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heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales Empty Re: heavy slipware bowl RD mark - Rob Davies, Griffin Pottery, Gresford, Wales

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