UV reactive Vaseline Vase - Czech/Bohemian, Italian or Victorian?

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UV reactive Vaseline Vase - Czech/Bohemian, Italian or Victorian? Empty UV reactive Vaseline Vase - Czech/Bohemian, Italian or Victorian?

Post by RVsaid February 25th 2016, 9:46 am


Not with out some charm this small 5.5 inch vase has me a bit stumped. I thought the base feet looked very Czech/Bohemian or Italian however the only examples I can find are pegged as Victorian. Could be an incorrect identification being duplicated. Highly reactive to UV going a vibrant green.

UV reactive Vaseline Vase - Czech/Bohemian, Italian or Victorian? A111

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Location : Torbay, England
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UV reactive Vaseline Vase - Czech/Bohemian, Italian or Victorian? Empty Re: UV reactive Vaseline Vase - Czech/Bohemian, Italian or Victorian?

Post by JoFish February 26th 2016, 11:18 pm

Could be Victorian and English, several companies made similar opalescent patterns on uranium. Walsh Walsh, Richardson and no doubt most of the other works too.


Number of posts : 211
Location : South Wales
Registration date : 2010-11-23

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