SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye.

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SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye. Empty SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye.

Post by stardust* February 3rd 2016, 6:15 pm

Found these boxed together, a salt shaker and butter crock. They were very conveniently packed with instructions for use, a wooden butter knife, and a business card...perfect for ID!
Maggie Zerafa works from the Bay Pottery and has a website:
Beautiful muted tones. SKYE stamped on the base of both pots.

SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye. Img_2322
SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye. Img_2121
SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye. Img_2122
SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye. Img_2123
SKYE stamp for Maggie Zerafa - The Bay Pottery , Isle Of Skye. Img_2124

Female Number of posts : 408
Age : 58
Location : Derbyshire UK
Registration date : 2015-06-29

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