ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy

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ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy  Empty ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy

Post by 2canton4 January 29th 2016, 9:11 am

Hello, Can anyone identify the artist of this small ceramic sculpture/ figurine? Any assistance would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! David.

ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy  Waterm59

ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy  Waterm60

Number of posts : 129
Location : canada
Registration date : 2015-09-30

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ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy  Empty Re: ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy

Post by NaomiM January 29th 2016, 11:23 am

Came across a whole series of these at Farnham antiques fair last year. Made about 15-20 years ago? . I think the artist is Italian. Name beginning with Z. I have some photos somewhere.

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ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy  Empty Re: ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy

Post by 2canton4 January 29th 2016, 11:32 am

Got it! Zampiva! You were right, Italian! Thanx allot! David.

Number of posts : 129
Location : canada
Registration date : 2015-09-30

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ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy  Empty Re: ID ceramic sculpture artist - Zampiva, Italy

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