Beautiful art glass ashtray

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Beautiful art glass ashtray  Empty Beautiful art glass ashtray

Post by speaktothequeen December 3rd 2015, 5:09 am

Hello. This is a lovely heavy ashtray, with lots of bubbles, in a very pale blue/green "ice" color. it has a ground pontil. The underside is unusual. It has stepped levels or layers, one a soft triangle and the others more flowing and bio-morphic. I bought it from a household that had some really good mid-century pieces and less expensive mid-century items as well. Any thoughts as to country of origin and maker? Photo of base to follow. I tinkered with the color a little on the first photo because it was washed out by the florescent light.

Beautiful art glass ashtray  Fullsi11


Number of posts : 84
Location : Maynard MA
Registration date : 2014-05-13

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Beautiful art glass ashtray  Empty Re: Beautiful art glass ashtray

Post by speaktothequeen December 3rd 2015, 5:10 am

Beautiful art glass ashtray  Ice_as10

Number of posts : 84
Location : Maynard MA
Registration date : 2014-05-13

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