Fun set of West German glass fruit picks or swizzle sticks
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Fun set of West German glass fruit picks or swizzle sticks
Hello all. Yesterday at the local church thrift store I found this wonderful set of lamp work handmade glass fruit beads, each dangling from a clear pointed tube. They are (miraculously) in perfect condition, largely from the the protection of the original box. Some have a paper label which says "made in West Germany" which puts them post WWII. Someone really loved these, because the box has been respaired from the inside with two different kinds of tape. What is driving me nuts is that I don't know what they are for. I found two examples of very similar fruit on Etsy- a silver tone metal bracelet with fruit bead charms, and a card of glass buttons (guaranteed washable if you can imagine) from the German US zone. I cant find these elsewhere on the internet. I assumed that they were swizzle sticks, but as I looked at them again, felt they were too short and also did not need a point to be a swizzle stick. They seem far too fragile to decorate a hat. Which leads me to believe they are ultra fancy toothpicks for canapé sandwiches. Does anyone know for sure?
speaktothequeen- Number of posts : 84
Location : Maynard MA
Registration date : 2014-05-13
Re: Fun set of West German glass fruit picks or swizzle sticks
I suspect they are cocktail sticks, used to decorate a cocktail in place of an umbrella. Maybe with an olive stuck on the end.
Carrot cake is just fake cake
Re: Fun set of West German glass fruit picks or swizzle sticks
That makes sense NaomiM. Thank you.
speaktothequeen- Number of posts : 84
Location : Maynard MA
Registration date : 2014-05-13
Re: Fun set of West German glass fruit picks or swizzle sticks
Probably from Lauscha. Cocktail sticks have pointed ends; swizzle sticks have rounded ones
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