painted gesso wall mirror

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painted gesso wall mirror Empty painted gesso wall mirror

Post by 2canton4 October 30th 2015, 11:12 am

Hello, I realize that this might not be the appropriate forum for this post, but I will give it a shot anyway! Are there any mirror aficionados out there? I have this vintage painted gesso and wood wall mirror which has some good age to it, as is evident in my photos! Can anyone tell me the region of origin and possible date of this mirror? There is some good age wear to the silvering and the original wax paper backing is still intact! (see photos!).  Any assistance with this query would be greatly appreciated! Thank you! David.

painted gesso wall mirror Water139

painted gesso wall mirror Water140

painted gesso wall mirror Water141

painted gesso wall mirror Water142

painted gesso wall mirror Water143

painted gesso wall mirror Water144

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Location : canada
Registration date : 2015-09-30

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