Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by?

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Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? Empty Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by?

Post by morej May 24th 2015, 11:51 am

Heavy & about 12" high with moulded and what appears to be cut leaves,
any ideas of the maker.

Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? P1180329

Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? P1180330

Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? P1180331

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Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? Empty Re: Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by?

Post by NaomiM May 24th 2015, 2:44 pm

Done in the Bohemian style. May be Czech, if it looks old to you, otherwise modern repro.

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Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? Empty Re: Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by?

Post by Christine May 26th 2015, 2:35 pm

Could still be Czech if newer. Unlikely to be a repro of anything

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Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? Empty Re: Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by?

Post by skay May 26th 2015, 5:42 pm

I completely love that morej! Lovely colour, would fit right in chez nous Clap


Nic wrote:A WMF lady exposes her breasts at me every morning when I open the curtains

big ed wrote:Burt lancaster spat on me Sad

brin mcardle wrote:Probably no surprise...I love this

Taylor Thomas wrote:Have you got enough quotes Sue?

l33ham180 wrote:the wife wants massive

NaomiM wrote:...didn't even have the excuse it was for charity. Just liked his balls. Cheeky

dantheman wrote:I think it's shit

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Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by? Empty Re: Large purple vase with molded and cut glass,who is it by?

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