Vibrant coloured with interesting form shot or aperitif glass set

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Vibrant coloured with interesting form shot or aperitif glass set Empty Vibrant coloured with interesting form shot or aperitif glass set

Post by RVsaid April 25th 2015, 3:58 pm

The photo doesn't really do justice to the really vibrant subtle colours of these 6 - approx 9 cm tall with an interesting distinctive shape. Some have been smoothed out on the rim to make them of equal height.

Vibrant coloured with interesting form shot or aperitif glass set Untitl10

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Vibrant coloured with interesting form shot or aperitif glass set Empty Re: Vibrant coloured with interesting form shot or aperitif glass set

Post by denbydump April 25th 2015, 6:59 pm

Didn't King's Lynn do glasses in these Harlequin colours?

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Location : Derbyshire
Registration date : 2014-06-01

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