Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer

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Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer Empty Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer

Post by Mr Trebus March 22nd 2015, 4:20 pm

Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer Dscn2313 Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer Dscn2314 Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer Dscn2315 Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer Dscn2316

Small teapot - 7" base to top of integral handle, with a semi-translucent white glaze.
the first impressed mark looks like a lower case r spiralling into a lower case a, the lower mark might be symmetrical, but lightly impressed and glaze filled on the right hand side. With two marks to go on hoped it would be easily identifiable from the book but no such luck :-( so guess it's probably not British....any ideas please?
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
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Registration date : 2011-09-07

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Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer Empty Re: Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer

Post by Mr Trebus April 21st 2015, 11:38 pm

In answer to my own enquiry...I think it's by Rachel Dormer
Mr Trebus
Mr Trebus

Number of posts : 207
Location : London
Registration date : 2011-09-07

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Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer Empty Re: Chinese style white glazed teapot - Rachel Dormer

Post by NaomiM April 22nd 2015, 12:46 am

Just googled it and Yes, it does look like her Mark

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