two lamps it would be great to get help to identify

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two lamps it would be great to get help to identify Empty two lamps it would be great to get help to identify

Post by styleinvasion March 4th 2015, 2:07 pm

two lamps it would be great to get help to identify 20150310    

two lamps it would be great to get help to identify 20150311    two lamps it would be great to get help to identify 20150312

Searched quite a long time allready to find the designer and / or maker of these two lamps... my first thought is italian design but i can't find find them searching the web... would be great to get a little help... first one a floor lamp supposed to be 60s to 70s second one a ceiling light which should be 50s i guess

two lamps it would be great to get help to identify 20150313

two lamps it would be great to get help to identify 20150314   two lamps it would be great to get help to identify 20150315   two lamps it would be great to get help to identify 20150316

Number of posts : 1348
Location : germany
Registration date : 2010-12-11

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two lamps it would be great to get help to identify Empty Re: two lamps it would be great to get help to identify

Post by styleinvasion March 4th 2015, 5:48 pm

The floorlamp is by swisslamps international Trix & Robert Haussmann

Number of posts : 1348
Location : germany
Registration date : 2010-12-11

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