ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?

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ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Empty ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?

Post by vanmann February 24th 2015, 6:44 pm

I bought this thinking the mark looked vaguely familiar, but once I started looking I realised that loads of potters used variations on this theme.
Not sure if is a single vertical line with two dots to the right or a small vertical line with two dots to right and one above line,
Does the difference in colour between the two sides suggest the pot has been a bit heavy handed when adding a slip coating. Sorry if that makes no technical sense, but that is how it appeared to me.
Any thoughts or suggestions much appreciated

ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Potter30   ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Potter31

ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Potter32    ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Potter33

Male Number of posts : 616
Location : essex, UK
Registration date : 2010-04-19

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ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Empty Re: ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?

Post by NaomiM February 24th 2015, 6:49 pm

I think the mark is CB or DB
The difference in the strength of the red colour is due to the conditions inside the kin when it was fired. One side was more reduced - maybe there was a temperature difference &/or one side was a bit closer to another pot than the other.

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ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Empty Re: ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?

Post by vanmann February 24th 2015, 6:54 pm

Thanks Naomi will try those initials, and thanks for the technical info.

Male Number of posts : 616
Location : essex, UK
Registration date : 2010-04-19

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ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Empty Re: ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?

Post by NaomiM March 1st 2020, 3:52 pm

Might be Chris Barnes

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32212
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?  Empty Re: ID help please striped jug line and dots seal - Chris Barnes?

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