Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon)

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Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon) Empty Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon)

Post by denbydump Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:18 pm

The pottery started as Exeter Art pottery in 1892, in 1900 William Hart joined up with Alfred Moist and
production of "Torquay" type wares continued until 1932.
Many wares are unmarked, but the style and colours can be recogniseable as Exeter.

A 5 1/2 inch loving cup, impressed H M EXETER (1900-32).
With a lovely motto!

Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon) 100_2217

Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon) 100_2218

Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon) 100_2219

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Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon) Empty Re: Hart and Moist Exeter "Torquay wares" (Devon)

Post by studio-pots Mon Feb 23, 2015 10:12 pm

I remember buying a piece once and when I did my research and found the name of the company I thought that and the product didn't quite match up. Embarrassed

Now you should know by now that Potty and I need to see your bottom - we're funny that way!

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Location : South East London
Registration date : 2011-02-17


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