Glass Fish Paperweight gold inlay signed OG 08
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Glass Fish Paperweight gold inlay signed OG 08
I unpacked this yesterday after a move and thought why on earth do I have such a chintzy piece. I was looking it over and noticed the pleasing use of colours behind the gold (goldfish). There's reds, orange, green and blues and it really looks like a flash of a fish swimming away. Signed to edge of base with what looks to be OG 08 (2008). Approx 5.5 inches long and 4 inches high with ridges in the tail fin on one side only. The gold fragmented finish is almost silver in places and a certain light. Even if it is a tourist piece this one has come out rather well
I unpacked this yesterday after a move and thought why on earth do I have such a chintzy piece. I was looking it over and noticed the pleasing use of colours behind the gold (goldfish). There's reds, orange, green and blues and it really looks like a flash of a fish swimming away. Signed to edge of base with what looks to be OG 08 (2008). Approx 5.5 inches long and 4 inches high with ridges in the tail fin on one side only. The gold fragmented finish is almost silver in places and a certain light. Even if it is a tourist piece this one has come out rather well
RVsaid- Number of posts : 1468
Location : Torbay, England
Registration date : 2012-08-12
Re: Glass Fish Paperweight gold inlay signed OG 08
Don't know who made it but I would suspect the gold is actually silver foil, and just appears gold under the amber glass
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