Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton

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Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Empty Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton

Post by 22 Crawford St. February 16th 2015, 10:34 pm

Ebay - just checking as was going to give them as a gift - good to go?

Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Dscn4114

Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Dscn4115

Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Dscn4117

Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Dscn4118
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5610
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Empty Re: Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton

Post by NaomiM February 17th 2015, 12:08 am

Ha, so you were the one who out bid me. I would have gone a lot higher if Id had the cash. Very nice. By Jason Shackleton, ex-Aldermaston. Now at Laurieston House Pottery, Dunfries

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
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Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Empty Re: Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton

Post by 22 Crawford St. February 17th 2015, 12:27 am

Strange. I would have sworn that they were by a female hand.

Cool - TYVM - without a name they always haunt you. They can go to someone who is not like us and thinks everything has to be the same size and shape... one of them wobbles and is slightly not vertical.

Naomi you are a cross between an elephant and Sherlock Holmes! Most Excellent
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5610
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Empty Re: Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton

Post by NaomiM February 17th 2015, 2:55 am

Hannah McAndrew was his apprentice. Maybe they're a couple of hers?

Carrot cake is just fake cake

Female Number of posts : 32474
Location : Hampshire
Registration date : 2012-05-15

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Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Empty Re: Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton

Post by 22 Crawford St. February 18th 2015, 10:07 pm

Nah, had time to look it up in the book - you were spot on first time - p.451 mark looks 100%  - Hannah is not in the book?
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5610
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton  Empty Re: Dove Goblets x2 - Jason Shackleton

Post by 22 Crawford St. September 28th 2015, 1:37 am

couldoo with a move
22 Crawford St.
22 Crawford St.

Male Number of posts : 5610
Location : Berkshire
Registration date : 2009-12-19

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