id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by sunnyices2 February 5th 2015, 7:21 pm

id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 20150123

id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 20150124

id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 20150125

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by sunnyices2 February 5th 2015, 7:23 pm

This lot is a well made item and is quite heavy, any clue on the maker or who designed this brooch?

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by denbydump February 5th 2015, 11:17 pm

Looks more like celtic/viking revival style. If it's heavy, the frame and clasp could be
silver plate. A small scrape with a blade might show that.
The centre looks to be hand-beaten silver, so the numbers could be 975/925.
Can I see hallmarks next to the logo or is it an optical illusion?

Number of posts : 7395
Location : Derbyshire
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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by sunnyices2 February 6th 2015, 5:25 am

Will try and get a better picture of the mark on it when the day is bright. But i doubt is silver

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by denbydump February 6th 2015, 6:42 pm

A 9xx mark pretty well says the centre part of it is silver.

Number of posts : 7395
Location : Derbyshire
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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by sunnyices2 February 10th 2015, 5:24 pm

id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 20150228

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by sunnyices2 February 10th 2015, 5:25 pm

that is the best picture i can get.

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by denbydump February 10th 2015, 11:32 pm

No, I've copied and enlarged it but it's really impossible without using a glass.
I still think the frame and sprung clasp will be silver plated, hence the
weight, silver would be too soft and bend.
The centrepiece, well just not sure, but I would bet it is silver.
You might need to show it to a jeweller to verify it.

Number of posts : 7395
Location : Derbyshire
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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

Post by sunnyices2 February 13th 2015, 4:25 pm

:) Thanks denbydump you've been very helpful. is not silver i was trying to see if i can come across this maker.. is silver plated on brass or bronze one of the two... maybe is mass produce earns why is not mark with maker's initial's, i do know some art deco brooches associated with good maker's can be very collectible.

Male Number of posts : 822
Location : london
Registration date : 2012-09-22

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id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941 Empty Re: id help on this art & craft brooch? stamped made in england no 971 0R 941

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